NMOS 术语表



原文链接: https://specs.amwa.tv/nmos/branches/main/docs/Glossary.html

NMOS 术语表

In NMOS specs several common terms have specific meanings that you should be aware of. Many of these correspond to the glossary of the JT-NM Reference Architecture.

在 NMOS 规范中,您应该注意几个常用术语的特定含义。其中许多对应于JT-NM 参考架构的词汇表。

Several of these are formally defined in NMOS specs, but are described here for convenience.

其中一些已在 NMOS 规范中正式定义,但为了方便起见,在此处进行了描述。


A Device is a logical block of functionality within a networked media infrastructure. Example of Devices could include:


  • Camera
  • SDI to IP adapter
  • Chroma keyer
  • Audio mixer

A Device may have a permanent presence on its Node (Fixed Device, e.g., a networked camera), or it may be created on demand by its Node (Virtual Device, e.g., a software-based transcoder). Nodes may dynamically create different types of Device (Dynamic Device).

设备可以在其节点上永久存在(固定设备,例如联网摄像机),或者可以由其节点(虚拟设备,例如基于软件的转码器)按需创建。节点可以动态创建不同类型的设备(Dynamic Device)。


In the IS-04 and IS-05 specifications a Flow refers to a sequence of video, audio or time-related data. This is a relatively high-level usage of the word, and should not be confused with a low-level flow within the physical network.

在 IS-04 和 IS-05 规范中,流是指视频、音频或时间相关数据的序列。这是该词的相对高级用法,不应与物理网络内的低级流混淆。


NMOS specifications use Grain as a convenient way of identifying a unit of video, audio or time-related data. This helps with mapping NMOS’s logical data model onto physical Specifications. For example a frame of video may correspond to a VideoGrain.

NMOS规范使用Grain作为识别视频、音频或时间相关数据单元的便捷方式。这有助于将 NMOS 的逻辑数据模型映射到物理规范。例如,一帧视频可以对应一个 VideoGrain。


A Node is a logical host for Devices. This can be physical, or virtual (and a Node can be within a “cluster” or “cloud”).



A Receiver consumes a Flow from a Sender.



A Sender makes a Flow available on the network



A Source represents the logical primary origin of one or more Flows.

Note that (despite its name) a Source is:

  • NOT a Device from which the content originates (for example there might be video, audio and perhaps data Sources associated with a camera, the camera itself is NOT a Source).
  • NOT about the physical origin of the Flows (for example: two Flows associated with the same Source might physically originate from different hardware in distinct geographical locations)


  • 不是内容来源的设备(例如,可能有视频、音频和可能与相机相关联的数据源,相机本身不是源)。
  • 与流的物理来源无关(例如:与同一源关联的两个流可能在物理上源自不同地理位置的不同硬件)

附一: NMOS各个字段定义逻辑图如下


附二: NMOS中包含的各个规范

Id Name 名字(中文) Repository
IS-04 Discovery & Registration 发现与注册 nmos-discovery-registration
IS-05 Device Connection Management 设备连接管理 nmos-device-connection-management
IS-06 Network Control 网络控制 nmos-network-control
IS-07 Event & Tally 事件和理货 nmos-event-tally
IS-08 Audio Channel Mapping 音频通道映射 nmos-audio-channel-mapping
IS-09 System Parameters 系统参数 nmos-system
IS-10 Authorization 授权 nmos-authorization
IS-11 Sink Metadata Processing 接收器元数据处理 nmos-sink-metadata-processing
MS-04 ID & Timing Model ID & 时序模型 nmos-id-timing-model
MS-05-01 NMOS Control Architecture Framework NMOS 控制架构框架 nmos-control-architecture-framework
BCP-002-01 Natural Grouping 自然分组 nmos-natural-grouping
BCP-003-01 Secure Communications in NMOS Systems NMOS 系统中的安全通信 nmos-secure-communication
BCP-003-02 Authorization in NMOS Systems NMOS 系统中的授权 nmos-authorization-practice
BCP-003-03 Certificate Provisioning in NMOS Systemsn NMOS 系统中的证书供应 nmos-certificate-provisioning
BCP-004-01 Receiver Capabilities 接收器功能 nmos-receiver-capabilities
BCP-005-01 EDID to Receiver Capabilities Mapping EDID 到接收器功能映射 nmos-edid-to-receiver-caps-mapping
INFO-002 Security Implementation Guide 安全实施指南 nmos-security-implementation-guide
INFO-003 Sink Metadata Processing Architecture Sink元数据处理架构 nmos-sink-metadata-processing-architecture
INFO-004 Implementation Guide for DNS-SD DNS-SD实施指南 nmos-dns-sd-implementation-guide
n/a Parameter Registers 参数寄存器 nmos-parameter-registers


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